Archive for the 'Living Life' Category

Sketch Tales!

A number of months have passed since my last full-time job, and seeing that I’m still hunting for a long-term solution, it’s certainly good to remain productive in order to prevent mental stagnation. Overall, I’m very thankful to God, my family, my friends, and even strangers for the blessings and new adventures I’ve gone through even though most available time is spent within my hometown. SolidWorks World 2012 at San Diego last month was a grand time, but I knew that I had to return home in order to accompany my family before time is surely up.

Over the past few days, I’ve thought about starting something simultaneously old and new: a desire to draw more often, and a wish to tell small stories in the process as well. So today, I’m launching a sketch series from the black book I frequently carry around, and in the future, sometimes from my drafting table or computer. These are little bits and pieces of my imagination and thought processes for you to mull over, be they fictional characters and environments, or real-world engineering concepts. Such scans and images will not be posted on my deviantART page unless they’re in compilation form, so if you’re watching my blog, I welcome you to be a part of this.

Self-improvement and occasional humor aside, I hope that in some way, I can reveal what rolls through my mind during impromptu sessions as well as explain why Jesus Christ has been so transformative in my life. Perhaps it’ll help breathe more life into the work in progress known as “Journeys“, but even if it doesn’t, I look forward to sharing with and learning from you.

“Don’t touch the live wires,” he said. But the other did anyway.

God’s Sense of Humor

I remember from years back, a pastor of mine gave a sermon mentioning about God’s sense of humor. As in, the Lord sometimes uses what we say, do, or think about on whims and turns them into lessons for our lives long after we’ve forgotten about the former. Well, it appears that my pastor was quite correct. As an example, before I graduated from high school, an opportunity came up for my class to state our personal quotes for the upcoming yearbook. Mine went like this:

“Time is a God-given thing; everyone is rationed 24 hours to use it for Him.”

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Where My Treasure Is

A few minutes ago, I got off the phone with someone I know very personally, albeit in an adverse manner in past memory and in tonight’s discussion. Without getting into an extended exposition, I’ll simply state that after significant alcoholic consumption on his end, along with heated vocalizing and plenty of expletives fired at me, he said something that made me reel back and think:

“You’ll never earn as much as I have.”

Strange. I’m running low on money, I can’t see my friends at school or at home due to the in-session semester, and I’m spending most of my “free” time either making artwork or searching for jobs. But the Lord assured me once again that my treasure does not lie on this earth, and that all I earn while I am on this planet is insignificant compared to the great wealth I have in Christ. What a joy it is to know for certain that though people may insult and disasters may befall upon my life, I have incomparable riches that last forever. But I pray also that this person I spoke with tonight may discover that eternal treasure too – one given for free, but paid for by priceless, sinless blood shed on the cross.

Happy Easter, everyone.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

– Matthew 6:19-20 (NIV, ©1984)

Complaining About God’s Timing

A certain friend of mine today wrote an e-mail devotional sent to the Harvest Christian fellowship, of which I used to be a sporadic member during my undergrad years. But this particular installment resonated strongly with me, because it shed light on how I’ve been overly-concerned about one task after leaving Penn State: finding a job.
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Finding Purpose

The final night before I head home from this lousy semester just ended, but I was reminded earlier about something that God implanted within me ever since I gave my life to Christ. Because in the end, the one thing that mattered most was Jesus, who gives all those who follow Him true, worthwhile purpose for their lives. And yet I wasn’t being undignified enough to share with others this revelation…
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